image of Everyone in a C-Store Operation Can Find Comfort Under the Blanket of Accountability

Everyone in a C-Store Operation Can Find Comfort Under the Blanket of Accountability

December 7, 2016 — 

Everyone in a c-store operation can find comfort under accountability. Accountability is everyone’s friend. It provides the support that organizes, motivates, rewards and recognizes your work. Operation Accountability Blankets in Feedback Too often, in the rush to keep things moving we only take time to analyze problems or mistakes to fix them. A natural management

3 Steps You Can Take in Your Stores to Improve your Monthly  P&L Statement

3 Steps You Can Take in Your Stores to Improve your Monthly P&L Statement

November 30, 2016 — 

If you were to hand one of your Store Managers your P&L Statement, they may be able to tell you if it is a good or bad. For example, if beer sales are down in their store on the P&L, their answer may  be, “I need to sell more beer next month.” Of course, there are

The 4 Components of a Balanced C-Store Performance Scorecard

The 4 Components of a Balanced C-Store Performance Scorecard

November 16, 2016 — 

There are 4 components of a balanced C-Store Performance Scorecard. It is common to measure revenue and let that information alone make the call on performance.  Success is rarely attributed to one thing in life. There are other areas to be monitored that will provide long term performance gain.  If you have been measuring by sales goals

Surprising Results of the C-Store Managment Method of Accountability

Surprising Results of the C-Store Management Method of Accountability

October 26, 2016 — 

Results of c-store management accountability are sales, profits and time. Specific goals and clear expectations make work easy. Taking time to discuss work that is not good is needed. This approach applies to most situations. For example, work, athletics, academics, relationships; you name it. Nonetheless, many think firm oversight is scary or too tough. In

Passport C-Store Clients Have a New Business Intelligence Option

Passport C-Store Clients Have a New Business Intelligence Option

October 26, 2016 — 

Anyone with Gilbarco’s, Passport® has the ability to quickly start using analytic reports to improve store performance and grow their businesses. It takes a little help to use it fully. Of course, Passport transaction data has a lot of detail. In fact, everything regarding the POS transactions is recorded. Obviously, sorting through the details to

Is Business Intelligence Too Complicated for Small C-Store Operators?

Is Business Intelligence Too Complicated for Small C-Store Operators?

October 20, 2016 — 

Business intelligence (BI) for small c-store operators is complicated but necessary. Some argue that you have to have hundreds of stores to afford the staff and expertise needed to benefit. Processing, organizing, analyzing and sharing the data insights takes time, money and resources that are just too costly for small operators. C-store staff are busy.

Image showing how to Define the Power of the Check List

The 3 C’s That Define the Power of the Check List

October 12, 2016 — 

Define the power of the check list. Everyone loves to check off a job as done. Naturally, getting a job done is satisfying. Use the power well and everyone wines. For example, c-stores use checklists.  They have duty lists in the stores. Likewise IT backup lists in the IT departments. Just about anything that must

image depicting a woman who understands Why Grades Matter for C-Store Performance

Why Grades Matter for C-Store Performance

September 28, 2016 — 

Why grades matter for c-store performance. Just like school grades, assessment provides understanding and drives learning. Many innovative tools use simple grades to turn complex data into understanding, motivation and action. Many argue as to the validity of a single score showing anything meaningful. Others, however, believe it is one of the most effective ways

4 Ways to Make Your C-Store Database Sell More Snickers

4 Ways to Make Your C-Store Data Sell More Snickers

September 23, 2016 — 

C-Store owners challenge data geeks to do something useful for their sales results. For example, using tools to make your c-store data sell more snickers. They often argue that data cannot sell anything or help with the real work of providing convenience. Obviously, they are right in many ways. It is the c-store staff that

3 Ways Business Intelligence Tools Can Eliminate C-Store Analysis Impediments

3 Ways Business Intelligence Tools Can Eliminate C-Store Analysis Impediments

September 13, 2016 — 

If you read articles in the c-store industry journals or magazines it is hard to find an issue without some sort of mention on the value of analyzing your data and using it to drive your business.  A lot C-store operators feel like they have so much data it feels like a Big Data mountain to

Making the Effort to "Re-Zeal"

Making the Effort to “Re-Zeal”

June 29, 2016 — 

All employees of a c-store have responsibilities. Everyone is busy.  Whether work tasks or raising a family, people spend their time seeking objectives, solving problems and handling what comes to them each day.  This stress is normal life. Normal or not, the work load can sometimes become too much. At times, all staff experience burn

Do numbers really matter when managing store performance?

Do numbers really matter when managing store performance?

June 8, 2016 — 

Many will ask “Do numbers really matter when managing store performance?” Why does the existence of performance numbers impact the very performance they measure. It is often stated ‘If you want to improve something measure it.’ The statement is rarely disputed but not always supported. There are just as many reasons not to analyze your

Download Our Free White Paper

Beyond Tobacco Rebates: What else can I do with my Scan Data?

In our work with family chains, we’ve found that store data accessibility and distribution are common issues for operations managers and supervisors. The lack of easy access to operations focused data can lead to environments where losses are hidden longer, and growth opportunities go unrealized.

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