5 Things Comparing Sales Over Various Time Intervals Will Tell A C-Store

5 Things Comparing Sales Over Various Time Intervals Will Tell A C-Store

November 4, 2015 — 

All convenience stores share and print spreadsheets with the latest and greatest performance statistics to let managers know where to focus and what is going well in their company.  However, a single snapshot in time may not really relay what is going on as much as you think it might.  Yes, current spreadsheets will tell

The Balancing Act of Control

The Balancing Act of Control

October 21, 2015 — 

The balancing act of control can be elusive. One of my favorite articles read this year was Lori Deshene’s “50 Things You Can Control Right Now”. It was a rare gem I found on the Tiny Buddha Website. While there is much in the world out of our control, there are many things we can

How All C-Stores Can Afford to Use Their Back Office Data

How All C-Stores Can Afford to Use Their Back Office Data

October 14, 2015 — 

How c-stores use back office data varies greatly. Customizing your reports is not a new concept. Most Business Intelligence and even some Back-Office tools come with standard reports, but this usually entails data that you can currently get from your Back-Office system already. There are core areas of activity that impact the totals these systems give you that need

3 Insightful Features to Consider When Purchasing Business Intelligence Software

3 Insightful Features to Consider When Purchasing Business Intelligence Software

September 17, 2015 — 

If you break the word insight down to in-sight, the power it gives you is easier to comprehend.  It is easier to correct problems, or avoid troubles when they are known and seen.  While spreadsheet reporting will give you insight into the most critical issues, it can be the little issues that impact the bottom lines of those

3 Important Pillars in Teamwork:   An Excerpt from The Serenity of Accountability

3 Important Pillars in Teamwork: An Excerpt from The Serenity of Accountability

September 2, 2015 — 

There are 3 Important Pillars in Teamwork: An Excerpt from The Serenity of Accountability by Tom Bandy “Remember teamwork begins by building trust. And the only way to do that is to overcome our need for invulnerability”     ~Patrick Lencioni~ Teamwork Having a culture of accountability implies an organization that works together. Teamwork is the mechanism

3 Free Ways to Motivate Employees Out of a Rut

3 Free Ways to Motivate Employees Out of a Rut

August 12, 2015 — 

Motivation is not an easy thing to create. However, there 3 free Ways to motivate employees. If your pockets are not endless, you are staffing at minimal levels or your business cannot sustain downtime, it is hard to find things you can do to motivate employees.  More money, time off or company events aren’t possible. 

Are You Playing the Telephone Game in Your Reporting?

Are You Playing the Telephone Game in Your Reporting?

July 29, 2015 — 

As a child, you may have played the game called, Telephone.  It is where people sit in a circle and one whispers a statement into the ear of the person sitting next to them.  It continues until everyone has had a turn to heard to relay the statement until it reaches the last person who

Taking Time to Sharpen Your Tools

Taking Time to Sharpen Your Tools

July 16, 2015 — 

Taking time to sharpen your tools is necessary. C-stores tools include reports to drive business.  Managers look at them to measure performance, make key decisions and set the path for the company going forward. When the tool that is used to guide this process is a report, it makes sense to spend a little time

4 Questions to Ask In Order to Answer "What's Your Coffee Cup?"

4 Questions to Ask In Order to Answer “What’s Your Coffee Cup?”

June 22, 2015 — 

Good data provide good insights. A useful measurement can be a single number that indicates the health of a days work (or any other unit of time). For example, in a c-store the inside sales traffic is key. Those spending money inside is even better. Many operators use the measure of coffee sales to judge

The Biggest Employee Complaint

The Biggest Employee Complaint

June 19, 2015 — 

A song was written, “Tell me what you want, what you really, really want.” Though this song may be a bit Pop, there is a lot of wisdom in this request. Studies show that employees want and need this feedback. The corporate benefit in doing so is multifold. Dr. Jan West, PHD, wrote an article about the biggest

Simplifying The 4 Steps of Effective Management Yields Better Results

Simplifying The 4 Steps of Effective Management Yields Better Results

June 17, 2015 — 

Simplifying management yields better results. Simple is better. Clarity with goals and current performance is a key to great results. Management is tasked to drive desired results. Management if full of challenges. By have a clear understanding of performance toward goal, the area of focus is easy to find. Finding and solving problems is time-consuming.

The Tyranny of OR in a Business Intelligence Environment.

The Tyranny of OR in a Business Intelligence Environment.

May 19, 2015 — 

Simplicity is an excellent method of assessing goals, designs and decisions. Every businessman understands how much easier it is for staff when things are straight-forward and clear. Simple is a friend to action and results. Sometimes, however, simple can be confused with easy. Simple is almost never easy. Albert Einstein is credited for defining the

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Beyond Tobacco Rebates: What else can I do with my Scan Data?

In our work with family chains, we’ve found that store data accessibility and distribution are common issues for operations managers and supervisors. The lack of easy access to operations focused data can lead to environments where losses are hidden longer, and growth opportunities go unrealized.

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