Controlling C-Store Shrink Using POS Data Analytics

Client: Small & Sons

Situation:  Desire to create an operations process and structure to improve existing store resutls and prepare to double store count within a few years.

Operational Results:  Operations structure, culture and alignment using a team established goal and accountability system.

HR Results:  Defined hiring, onboarding and employee manual as part of the prcess

Technology:  Implemented a chain-wide data analytics platform to manage and improve store operations

Management Approach:  Teamalignment and accountability system built collaboratively with entire management team.


Establish an aligned team that focused on the company core strenghts and history while growing the service range to include a robust customer experience including full food service, loyalty, promotions and community engagement.


Utilize existing POS data and match operations systems to back office structure and pricing model. Establish goals and tracking for growth, control, and tobacco across all stores. Integrate the tracking system with the annual goals and operations structure established by the store management leaders.

Alll managers and leaders can review the results or quickly share the exact details with store managers. The process is automated, and a risk profile is delivered to those that need notification. The monitoring is always active.

Bottom Line

Improved teamwork, retention, sales and profits. The compensation is aligned and motivating the desired growth. It rewards the exact results that team set to grow the chain.

  • Mike Crowell, Small & Sons

    We are committed to our culture, our staff, and our growth. We chose BandyWorks to provide the growth, control, and tobacco solutions so we can focus on building our operations to meet our aggressive store growth goals.
    Mike Crowell, Small & Sons
  • Darrel Meek, Director of Operations JD Streett

    C-Store operations are all about the people. Having the data to see results, find problems and pinpoint the priorities empowers our staff to drive their store success.
    Darrel Meek, Director of Operations JD Streett
  • Greg Hendricks, Garrison Food Mart

    Growth is my main focus. BandyWorks helps to keep the focus on sales growth with their scorecards and analysis. The control and tobacco services keep a check on those items that impact our profitability allowing us more time to keep our sales as priority #1.
    Greg Hendricks, Garrison Food Mart
  • Ray McIntosh, McIntosh Energy

    With the commitment from Darrell and his food service manager, McIntosh Energy made the commitment to upgrade the store’s food preparation. BandyWorks provided the tools to motivate and track growth. Good teams love good insights.
    Ray McIntosh, McIntosh Energy

Learn How To Control Risk

Monitor & identify high risk POS register behavior. Simplify the who, what, when and where.


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Beyond Tobacco Rebates: What else can I do with my Scan Data?

In our work with family chains, we’ve found that store data accessibility and distribution are common issues for operations managers and supervisors. The lack of easy access to operations focused data can lead to environments where losses are hidden longer, and growth opportunities go unrealized.

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