Managing C-Store Change & Accountability involves people skills, experience and objective data. Managers achieve the best results when the apply the right tools to the right problems. As such, the best supervisors balance the needs of the staff, customers and the owners. They understand the situation with objective analysis. That means, they recognize great work and use mistakes to coach and correct.

To avoid the fear of making a mistake, coaching emphasizes learning. In addition, it is much easier to keep learning on track by using the factual analysis from good data to avoid subjective or judgmental reviews. Of course, a spirit of helping and the acceptance is needed. It means that learning often requires doing some things wrong initially. Good managers are able to smooth over the inevitable mistakes and the fear to try new things. Accountability and change can be an interesting, rewarding and even fun. When done correctly, it is a great way to build morale, improve customer service and make team work stronger.

The results of managing c-store change & accountability are significant.  The results include improved staff retention, higher sales, loyal customers and loss prevention. Of course, using change and accountability saves time from wasteful or unproductive work.

Surprising Results of the C-Store Managment Method of Accountability

Surprising Results of the C-Store Management Method of Accountability

October 26, 2016 — 

Results of c-store management accountability are sales, profits and time. Specific goals and clear expectations make work easy. Taking time to discuss work that is not good is needed. This approach applies to most situations. For example, work, athletics, academics, relationships; you name it. Nonetheless, many think firm oversight is scary or too tough. In

Making the Effort to "Re-Zeal"

Making the Effort to “Re-Zeal”

June 29, 2016 — 

All employees of a c-store have responsibilities. Everyone is busy.  Whether work tasks or raising a family, people spend their time seeking objectives, solving problems and handling what comes to them each day.  This stress is normal life. Normal or not, the work load can sometimes become too much. At times, all staff experience burn

Accountability is Better Store Performance, Not a 4 Letter Word

Accountability is Better Store Performance, Not a 4 Letter Word

May 18, 2016 — 

Getting better results is the goal for any c-store manager. Many use technology to drive performance in there stores. Good managers in c-stores or any business, understand that getting good results means having good accountability. Tools are critical, but a manager is responsible for results. Good managers know good accountability is better store performance. 4

The Balancing Act of Control

The Balancing Act of Control

October 21, 2015 — 

The balancing act of control can be elusive. One of my favorite articles read this year was Lori Deshene’s “50 Things You Can Control Right Now”. It was a rare gem I found on the Tiny Buddha Website. While there is much in the world out of our control, there are many things we can

3 Important Pillars in Teamwork:   An Excerpt from The Serenity of Accountability

3 Important Pillars in Teamwork: An Excerpt from The Serenity of Accountability

September 2, 2015 — 

There are 3 Important Pillars in Teamwork: An Excerpt from The Serenity of Accountability by Tom Bandy “Remember teamwork begins by building trust. And the only way to do that is to overcome our need for invulnerability”     ~Patrick Lencioni~ Teamwork Having a culture of accountability implies an organization that works together. Teamwork is the mechanism

Simplifying The 4 Steps of Effective Management Yields Better Results

Simplifying The 4 Steps of Effective Management Yields Better Results

June 17, 2015 — 

Simplifying management yields better results. Simple is better. Clarity with goals and current performance is a key to great results. Management is tasked to drive desired results. Management if full of challenges. By have a clear understanding of performance toward goal, the area of focus is easy to find. Finding and solving problems is time-consuming.

The 6 Rights of Accountability

The 6 Rights of Accountability

December 29, 2014 — 

The 6 Rights of Accountability make it easy and effective to get the results you want. Even better, teams respond well and enjoy their work. Great accountability occurs when a company is able to get it right. 1. Vision / Mission – Visions do not change very often, but the mission may change more often

Accountability – Six Things to Get Right – Start with Vision

Accountability – Six Things to Get Right – 1. Start with Vision

November 6, 2014 — 

Accountability – Six Things to Get Right – Start with Vision. Your vision is the picture of your preferred future. Establishing the right vision for your company is the first of six critical ‘getting it right’ steps to achieve great accountability. Establishing the vision draws a clear picture that empowers a team to make decisions

Accountability - Six Things to Get Right - 2. The Right Seat on the Bus

Accountability – Six Things to Get Right – 2. People

October 13, 2014 — 

Accountability – Six Things to Get Right – 2. People. The Right Seat on the Bus is key to getting things right. How do you put the right person in the right seat? Everyone that hires and manages wants to have the perfect fit. There are two parts to it: the right people and the

Accountability - Six Things to Get Right - 3. Process

Accountability – Six Things to Get Right – 3. Process

September 20, 2014 — 

Accountability – Six Things to Get Right – 3. Process is one thing that everyone knows is important for someone else to do. It may be the most unglamorous part of business that gets more bang for the glory than anything else. Most business people know that creating a process is very important, but writing

Accountability - Six Things to Get Right - 4. Begin with the End in Mind

Accountability – Six Things to Get Right – 4. Goals

August 1, 2014 — 

Accountability – Six Things to Get Right – 4. Begin with the End in Mind.  When a company has the right vision, team and process, success is kinetically charged. This success can be many things but typically means increased sales, higher quality or higher profits. Defining that success specifically with dates and assignments is the

Accountability - Six Things to Get Right -  5. Teamwork

Accountability – Six Things to Get Right – 5. Teamwork

July 15, 2014 — 

Accountability – Six Things to Get Right – 5. Teamwork. Having a culture of accountability implies an organization that works together. Accountability while positive and productive is not the natural state of work. Teamwork is the mechanism that enables it to overcome individual limitations and fears to produce results that cannot be achieved otherwise. It