May 18, 2016
Getting better results is the goal for any c-store manager. Many use technology to drive performance in there stores. Good managers in c-stores or any business, understand that getting good results means having good accountability. Tools are critical, but a manager is responsible for results. Good managers know good accountability is better store performance.
4 Letter Word
Not all accountability is the same. Hence, for many, it is one of the most used terms when it comes to fixing problems. For many, it is a four letter word. A lot of times is happens after something is so bad that it gets a lot of attention. For many people it means punishment and only negative things – this is why accountability strikes fear in the hearts of many. Fear, then, is the very reason that accountability often fails. Mangers do not want to deal with the lash back and staff fear measurement’s they do not believe. Many times however, the lack of accountability is the cause of failure rather than the ‘accountability’ did not work. A better way to use accountability is all through the process – starting with your purpose. It reduces fear and increases action.
Accountability Basics
One of the key things we are taught in any business class, is that effective management is driven by four steps. Plan, Measure, Predict and Improve. Accountability requires the measurement process that provides the status of your performance compared to your plan. With the measurement of results along with the intelligence to understand the trends you are enable you to predict outcomes early and take action when needed. If the ball drops in the measurement step it them becomes harder to predict the outcome in time to make adjustments.
Accountability is Better Store Performance
In other words, you will find out about negative results when it is too late. That is not the time to hold people accountable. When using accountability in the fast paced world of c-store performance, there is a lot of data available to provide the measurements you need.
Accountability addresses:
- The goal. It shows that one’s work matters.
- A clear definition of success. It is measurable.
- Specific tasks within a documented process.
- Assignments to staff with the skill to finish on time.
- Reviews that are objective, consistent and fair.
If you do not put all the requisite components in place then the failure is the lack of accountability. It is not the accountability process itself.
Accountability is the result of good leadership, management and systems. Once you separate the lack of accountability from the failure of accountability the main reason for accountability failure is much easier to address – fear.
Many people either hate to address the problem or have a problem addressed. Nonetheless, everyone feels great when problems and issues are overcome. It is a sure way to improve c-store performance and keep things moving in the right direction on a day to day basis. Accountability is the underlying entity that makes efforts to improve understood by all. There is no fear when its fair!