The Inertia of C-Store Performance – Time for Change
C-Store Growth | C-Store Operations Best Practices | Managing C-Store Change & Accountability
August 2, 2017 — The Inertia of C-Store Performance calls for a time for change. When putting new processes and technologies into place to save time or increase profits, there are lots of things that can impact success. Even if you are making changes specifically to address waste that harms the team, the beneficiaries of the change will still …
Corporate is Watching C-Store Accountability
C-Store Control | Managing C-Store Change & Accountability
June 13, 2017 — Yep. It works. Best intentions are good, but inspections are better. How many times in our training do we hear this question about whether corporate is watching c-store accountability. The answer ‘yes’ carries a certain gravity. No one wants to disappoint or fail. There are lots of reasons why we slip up. We want to do a …
Take the Fork of C-Store Data Analytics
C-Store Operations Best Practices | C-Store Technology | Managing C-Store Change & Accountability
May 11, 2017 — Yogi Berra was often lampooned for his seemingly non-sensible statements. But the easy to remember and thoughtful concepts help to clarify issues and allow simple choices. His ‘take the fork’ statement made sense when you understand that he lived mid-way on a circular road. When driving to his house you came to a fork. Either …
What Drives C-Store Results – Blunt Honesty or Polite Excuses?
Managing C-Store Change & Accountability
May 5, 2017 — C-Store Managers often get negative comments from their employees, customers and even their superiors at times. Obviously, it may not be obvious to consider What drives c-store results – blunt honesty or polite excuses? naturally, we want to hear polite feedback. However, it is important to consider that not all nice words are helpful and …
The Four Components to a Balanced C-Store Scorecard to Optimize Performance
C-Store Analytics & Scorecards | Managing C-Store Change & Accountability
April 17, 2017 — When driving C-Store performance it is good to know all the important goals. A balanced scorecard shows the results that matter. Naturally, a single scorecard makes it easier to monitor a set of different goals. With daily, weekly and monthly comparisons, both long and short term results are understood. Improving revenue in a c-store used …
Change the People or Change the People
C-Store Operations Best Practices | Managing C-Store Change & Accountability
March 23, 2017 — Working with top C-Store operators provides a lot of great insights into management. C-Store operators deal with heavy competition, long hours, and weekend work. This environment often leads to high turnover. In order to run well you have to have staff that can get things done as you need. If your store performance is suffering …
Step Up To Accountability and Increase C-Store Performance
Managing C-Store Change & Accountability
March 14, 2017 — It is well understood that consequences and rewards are key components to successful accountability. Most even agree that clear goals, assignments, deadlines and processes are required to make accountability work fully. There is a six step definition to help those that are serious about using an accountability process to streamline their organization and get better …
The Four Stages of C-Store Growth
C-Store Operations Best Practices | Managing C-Store Change & Accountability
February 22, 2017 — The four stages of c-store growth are natural. The way humans deal with change is a process. Many have studied different stages for human response to life changes – growing, aging and death. Likewise, management studies show that change management has to be addressed in order for an organization to reach its potential. Like any …
Managing Change for C-Store Growth
C-Store Growth | Managing C-Store Change & Accountability
February 15, 2017 — Managing change for c-store growth is part of management for successful companies. Fortunately, C-Stores employees are quite used to change. Prices, legislation, and products change often and sometimes every day. Anyone who has worked in a C-Store company, for any amount of time, is never shocked with change. However there are some changes that are …
The Arrogance of Ignorance and Other Reasons C-Store Operators Shouldn’t Get Mad
C-Store Operations Best Practices | Managing C-Store Change & Accountability
February 2, 2017 — C-Stores typically hire part-time people. This can leave their employee base to be largely among the young. The reasons c-store operators get mad may be age-based. Remember, their life is shorter than many Boomers have been paying their mortgages. People often complain about the young being arrogant. They have known little failure, most have experienced little …
Store Performance Improvement Strategies – Should Failure be Encouraged?
C-Store Operations Best Practices | Managing C-Store Change & Accountability
January 5, 2017 — C-Store operators want store performance improvement strategies. Implementing new things can be a challenge. As such, they often ask should failure be encouraged? Sometimes we get improvement easily. Typically, most would agree change is needed to improve thing. Typically, we may ‘know’ that a certain change will produce a better result. However, we also know …
Everyone in a C-Store Operation Can Find Comfort Under the Blanket of Accountability
C-Store Operations Best Practices | Managing C-Store Change & Accountability
December 7, 2016 — Everyone in a c-store operation can find comfort under accountability. Accountability is everyone’s friend. It provides the support that organizes, motivates, rewards and recognizes your work. Operation Accountability Blankets in Feedback Too often, in the rush to keep things moving we only take time to analyze problems or mistakes to fix them. A natural management …