Accountability lessons from prison

Accountability lessons from prison

April 19, 2014 — 

Standing in the Sally port waiting to enter Dillwyn Correctional Institute on a clear spring afternoon, a cold reality of prison life encloses each instructor. The course they are about to lead is an experiment to prepare inmates for successful re-entry to society. Can convicted felons operate a successful business after they complete their sentence?

Social Capital - A surprising reminder for entrepreneurs

Social Capital – A surprising reminder for entrepreneurs

April 11, 2014 — 

Social Capital – A surprising reminder for entrepreneurs. Dr. John Thomas of the UVA Cooper Center presented a summary of how communities are using a new approach to address challenging socio-economic situations at the Crater Community Hospice breakfast meeting at Virginia State University on April 2, 2014. The breakfast commemorated the 20th year of service to

Healthcare Big Data Trends

Healthcare Big Data Trends

April 10, 2014 — 

Examining our health system to see how Big Data can improve results What a great summary of how Big Data analytics, ETL and Dashboards can improve outcomes: Active decision making, statistical support for treatments, performance accountability, collaboration, regulatory compliance, remote service, planning, logistical support of operations. Read more on this article with our friends at

Convenience Store Performance Analytics like Google Dashboard

Convenience Store Performance Analytics like Google Dashboard

April 6, 2014 — 

Managing Convenience Store performance like Google analytics manages a web site. Google analytics uses key performance indicators to show how a web site is performing. With this information you can track your web site performance and determine how your marketing programs are working in terms of bringing people to a site and getting them to

Data Migration - Plan the Plan

Data Migration – Plan the Plan

March 28, 2014 — 

Data is critical to most operations. Naturally, more projects involve integration. It is a complicated job. To simply data migration – plan the plan first. Implementing new systems is part of any IT life cycle. Business must continue to increase productivity and IT systems are a key part of many improvement efforts. It is typical

Agile Dashboards with Pentaho CTools

Agile Dashboards with Pentaho CTools

March 14, 2014 — 

Dashboards are very powerful tools to implement tracking and accountability. They provide a quick and simple means to share data to assess performance objectively – identify strengths and weaknesses one of the key data points to help with accountability. Their use is easily justified in large organizations with important goals and often warrants extensive investments

ETL Performance troubleshooting with Pentaho Data interchange

ETL Performance troubleshooting with Pentaho Data interchange

February 17, 2014 — 

System monitoring, memory, partitioning, CPU balancing and disk arrays are all part of making the ETL performance of your Pentaho Data Interchange fast and efficient. System monitoring is a critical first step and catch all for performance issues. As the amount of your data grows, processing the data becomes more of a challenge and can

Three reasons measuring improves our results

Three reasons measuring improves our results

February 15, 2014 — 

C-store operators always ask the best way to save time and make more money. Here are three reasons measuring improves our results: 1. Clarify what is important 2. Understand how we compare 3. Justify financial rewards So you want to know how you measure up. The old saying that you don’t know where you are

One year old

One year old

February 5, 2014 — 

We are delighted to announce the pending birthday of our newest addition to the BandyWorks family.  Vanessa Vinodh Kumar was born March 04, 2013.  Mom and Dad are as proud as can be!

One fast ETL tool - Pentaho PDI

One fast ETL tool – Pentaho PDI

February 5, 2014 — 

Extract, transform and loading is a necessary part of many Big Data jobs. We use tools to do it faster and cheaper to move the work to the dashboards and analytics to get results. Read The Full Blog Here

Case Study: Get to the root of problems

Case Study: Get to the root of problems

February 5, 2014 — 

The Latino’s have coached accountability for two generations. Since the 70’s the Reliability Center has guided clients to the source of problems to pro-actively eliminate errors and increase production. BandyWorks Big Data team helps to manage the software to make this happen. Read The Full Case Study Here

Three results that define 'Big' in Big Data

Three results that define ‘Big’ in Big Data

February 5, 2014 — 

Matthew Shoup of LinkedIn provides an insightful way to interpret the ‘Big’ in Big Data. No one cares about the ‘Big’ unless there are results. This approach puts the focus where it matters. Read More From His Post Here

Download Our Free White Paper

Beyond Tobacco Rebates: What else can I do with my Scan Data?

In our work with family chains, we’ve found that store data accessibility and distribution are common issues for operations managers and supervisors. The lack of easy access to operations focused data can lead to environments where losses are hidden longer, and growth opportunities go unrealized.

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