What I Learned as a Child Makes a Culture of Accountability Easy

What I Learned as a Child Makes a Culture of Accountability Easy

January 28, 2014 — 

What I learned as a child makes a culture of accountability easy. My family taught me everything I needed to know to create a culture of accountability. Growing up, a set of values and rules governed our lives. These tenets fit well into the six items that exists within a culture of accountability. Vision /

Three results that define 'Big' in Big Data

Defining the ‘Big’ in Big Data

January 25, 2014 — 

Redefining ‘Big’ in Big Data – Action, Ideas and Results. Matthew Shoup of LinkedIn provides a wonderful set of ways to interpret the ‘Big’ in Big Data. It is not so much the quantity of data that is important for many companies but rather what is done with it. While having lots of data is

Never use SQL again for ETL – Pentaho Data Integration reusable flows instead

Never use SQL again for ETL – Pentaho Data Integration reusable flows instead

October 7, 2013 — 

Since Pentaho is free and PDI is so easy, our team no longer will use any stand-alone SQL as part of our extract transform and load (ETL) process. Many times we have determined that we only need to extract the data ‘one time’. Inevitably, we need to run it again or something very similar. It

The – ‘Accidental’ Sheetz Brand

The – ‘Accidental’ Sheetz Brand

August 10, 2013 — 

I had the good fortune to attend a Sheetz vendor meeting at which Joe Sheetz, the next CEO shared a bit of the history regarding the company’s valuable brand. He discussed how the brand was built ‘accidently’ rather than by a marketing plan. That is, it was created without specific intent. As I listened, I

Vinodh and Tom receive the Sheetz VIP Vendor 2013

Vinodh and Tom receive the Sheetz VIP Vendor 2013

August 7, 2013 — 

BandyWorks Sheetz VIP Vendor 2013 Tom Bandy received the award at the distribution center in Altoona, Pa. Each year the IT team shares their goals for the next year and recognizes vendors who helped them in the current year. Steve Winegardner, Programming Services Manager at Sheetz stated that he appreciated the flexible work and willingness

Entrepreneur Magazine features Tom Bandy in article - How to Overcome Your Fears and Move Your Business Forward

Entrepreneur Magazine features Tom Bandy in Article – How to Overcome Your Fears and Move Your Business Forward

October 31, 2012 — 

Entrepreneur Magazine features Tom Bandy – How to Overcome Your Fears. The article shares his extensive experience with multiple technology companies. Naturally, the article on fear addresses the emotions of start-ups. Of course, high risk creates fear. He shares the challenges  overcome by many entrepreneurs. Four decades of data analytics drives innovation. Fear is a

Tom, Andrea and Ashley were interviewed by the Emporia News.

Tom, Andrea and Ashley were interviewed by the Emporia News.

June 21, 2012 — 

Tom, Andrea and Ashley were interviewed by the Emporia News.

Progress Index interviews Tom Bandy about Darden School education

Progress Index interviews Tom Bandy about Darden School education

May 7, 2011 — 

Petersburg entrepreneur returns to work with advanced training PETERSBURG – Petersburg businessman Tom Bandy has completed a week-long executive education program that was part the reward for winning a statewide competition last year. Bandy, head of the Petersburg-based software company BandyWorks, was the first Resilience Award winner to claim the main prize – enrollment in

Tom attends Darden School as part of the Tayloe Murphy Award

Tom Bandy attends Darden School as part of the Tayloe Murphy Award

April 19, 2011 — 

The University of Virginia Darden School of Business and its Tayloe Murphy Center announced its first winners. Tom Bandy was selected one of the first Resilience Award winners from the statewide competition. The main prize was a week-long Darden Executive Education program. Darden Executive Education Enrolls First Tayloe Murphy Center Resilience Award Winner

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Beyond Tobacco Rebates: What else can I do with my Scan Data?

In our work with family chains, we’ve found that store data accessibility and distribution are common issues for operations managers and supervisors. The lack of easy access to operations focused data can lead to environments where losses are hidden longer, and growth opportunities go unrealized.

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