C-Store control addresses shrink and age verification compliance. Obviously, these two issues are essential control items to avoid unacceptable risk of loss, licenses and costs. In order to create simple yet effective services, analytics and AI technology process all POS activity. The results pinpoint out the Who, What, When, and Where when money is missing.

Further, the evolving regulations and compliance for under-age sales are difficult to address. Obviously, the purpose of c-store control is to find risky behaviors that increase the risk of underage selling. As such, the comparisons create a baseline for age-base selling. The tool identifies stores and cashiers that need attention. The identification shows short-cuts and fake entries. As a result, documentation is available for regulatory review.

Image of Five C-Store Operations Drivers and Impediments

Five C-Store Operations Drivers and Impediments

Image of happy c-store staff. C-store staff retention is a big part of c-store operations ROI

Three Aspects of C-Store Operations ROI

image of sign warning about under age sales of restricted items

How Do Age Stings Beat Technology?

Image of new c-store built by Garrison in Amarillo Texas

Data Analytics for C-Store Growth – New Stores Versus Existing Stores

Image of cashier performing age verification

Stay in Compliance: Age Verification in C-Stores

image of C-Store POS system used for to offer the top multipack and loyalty scan data discounts from major manufacturers. Tobacco scan data companies include Altria, RAI(RJR) and ITG. Their loyalty product include Marlboro, Newport, Copenhagen, and Grizzly.

Good Data Cuts Through Bad Behavior

Four Levels of C-Store Performance Growth

Four Levels of C-Store Performance Growth

C-Store Performance – 5 Obstacles to Growth

Five Obstacles to C-Store Growth

8 Steps Consultants Use to Increase C-Store Sales

Consultants Use 8 Steps to Increase C-Store Sales

C-Store Customer Survey Software Strengthens the Customer Experience

C-Store Customer Survey Software Strengthens the Customer Experience

C-Store Maintenance Software Saves Time

C-Store Maintenance Software Saves Time

C-Store Bathroom Cleanliness - Just the Facts

C-Store Bathroom Cleanliness – Just the Facts