May 29, 2014
When Domestic Issues Affect Work
No matter how well a business operates there are circumstances that can occur beyond the control of an organization. It is important to have resources available to assist. One issue that is extremely difficult to address is domestic violence. Kiffy Werkheiser, of the James House, provides this information to help create a policy and establish resources to best assist any staff in need of help for intimate partner violence.
Red Flags of Possible Abuse
- Receipt of harassing phone calls or disruptive visits
- Excessive absences, tardiness, and sick days
- Decreased productivity or lower work quality
- Isolation from co-workers
- Mentioning of “family problems”
- Unexplained injuries
- Presence of legal or financial problems
- Changes in personality or demeanor
Broaching the Subject: Ask. Refer. Support.
- Ask the employee if he or she is okay. Let the employee know that you’ve noticed physical injuries, or changes in his or her work or personality. Let the employee know that any information that is discussed will be kept confidential.
- Refer the employee to the The James House 804.458.2840
- Support the employee. Offer temporary changes in schedule or location if possible.
- If the employee is a perpetrator of violence, inform the employee of the company policy against violence and refer to the Employee Assistance Program or a certified batterer intervention program. A list of certified batterer intervention programs is available at www.vaag.com.
Creating a work environment that supports survivors:
Adopt workplace policies on domestic violence – samples
- Display information from The James House about domestic violence in bathrooms, cafeterias, and other appropriate places.
- Include information about domestic violence in your company newsletter
Please reach out to The James House via
24 HR: 804.458.2840