Image of ROI representing the concepts for store manager value. Store manager ROI strategy involves three components. Financial impact, store operations and leadership development drive the return on investment. C-Store Performance – ROI of Growth – How much profit from 1%?

Store Manager ROI Strategy

December 19, 2022 — 

Store manager ROI strategy involves three components. Financial impact, store operations and leadership development drive the return on investment. Overall chain health requires each store to provide value in three areas. The return provided to the chain is maximized when all three areas are addressed. That is, the store provides Financial return, Operates well Grows managers

image of a store manager that meets the key criteria for c-store success. Owners and operations leaders look for seven key things great c-store managers deliver to maximize their ROI on their store locations. 

Seven Key Things Great C-Store Managers Deliver

November 22, 2022 — 

Owners and operations leaders look for seven key things great c-store managers deliver to maximize their ROI on their store locations. In order to receive the desired c-store leadership, owners and operations leaders must provide the vision and mission. Store managers are responsible to hire, develop and encourage teamwork by building alignment with the purpose

image of store manager overload. A common issue with c-store management given the stress of staff hiring challenges and the need to focus on development and growth

Does Your Operations System Help Your C-Store Manager Support the Customer Experience?

October 26, 2022 — 

With the big investments made into c-store technology, it is important to ask: Does your operations system help your c-store manager support the customer experience?  Too often, the store manager is given more responsibility without adequate system support for the daily operations. Store managers face challenging responsibilities and unprecedented staffing shortages. C-Store operations support systems

image of Abigail Cerra who describes Abigail Cerra, ReFuel, share her experience regarding what she experienced as the keys to success for c-store loyalty systems.

7 Key Parts to C-Store Loyalty Systems

October 7, 2022 — 

Abigail Cerra, ReFuel, discusses 7 key parts to c-store loyalty systems. While the rollout of a loyalty system can be daunting, there are a set of things to consider that can be addressed to successfully achieve the customer loyalty implementation. Based on her experience of implementing several loyalty programs she identifies a few keys to

Image of a road system so flexible and efficient it can be rolled out by hand. The metaphor shows the value of building A System to Develop C-Store Management to Drive Culture, Live the Brand and Create Growth requires discipline, process and consistency.

Building a System to Develop C-Store Management to Drive Culture, Live the Brand and Create Growth

October 3, 2022 — 

Building a system to develop c-store management to drive culture, live the brand and create growth requires discipline, process and consistency. Establishing a culture where staff consistently deliver what you promise your customers provides value that generates customer loyalty. With consistent results, the compensation and job satisfaction are generated in the store that keep the

Image of Weigels store. C-store customer experience includes the store, the staff, the brand and the service.

Customer Experience Versus Service

September 22, 2022 — 

Customer experience versus service is the core concept address to maximize customer c-store relationships. In this multi-part series, we will take a dive into the importance of Customer Experience (CX) and how to deliver it to every customer that comes into our convenience store. It is the most important marketing tool there is in our

image of c-store manager doing yoga headstand as symbol to explain How c-store managers avoid overload is easy. Create high c-store retention: keep low c-store turnover by avoiding high staff stress le

How C-Store Managers Avoid Overload

August 29, 2022 — 

How c-store managers avoid overload is an important question for c-store chains. Many operators fear c-store manager burnout so much, they strictly limit changes that impact store managers. They even limit those changes that will make the store manager’s job easier. They often report there are just too many challenges with staffing, supply, regulations, and

Image of c-store manager taking time to listen to staff to build understanding, clarity and alignment. C-Store management questions CLEAR the air. Leaders maximize the value of questions by trusting, respecting and understanding their team.

C-Store Management Questions CLEAR the Air

July 31, 2022 — 

C-Store management questions CLEAR the air. Great managers use questions to build teamwork, develop new skills and avoid misunderstandings. Clarify problems Learn how your team thinks Encourage new thinking Appreciate staff knowledge and skill Respect your team Probing Questions Questions help to get answers and share information effectively. The goal of communication is to share

Image of boy considering Given c-store staffing issues and inventory shortages, there are many pros and cons of c-store managers using data analytics.

Pros and Cons of C-Store Managers Using Data Analytics

July 3, 2022 — 

Given c-store staffing issues and inventory shortages, there are many pros and cons of c-store managers using data analytics. Some argue that there is absolutely no way to ask store managers to do anything except to just keep the doors open. Hence, it can be scary to add another task to store managers for fear

Image of c-store. There are five reasons to use c-store retail data analytics. C-store operators use retail analytics and these five beneficial attributes to control the store performance, save time and increase profits.

Five Reasons to Use C-Store Retail Data Analytics

June 17, 2022 — 

C-Store operators that try to control the store performance often cite one or more of these five reasons to use c-store retail data analytics. They find that c-store analytics saves time and increases profits by: Reducing c-store manager bias in decision making Pinpointing c-store problems quicker Recognizing good performance of cashiers Reducing anxiety about the

Image of cashier using a POS system that meets the needs to an example of basic needs to future proof your convenience store POS System

Future Proof Your C-Store POS System

May 26, 2022 — 

Future proof your c-store POS system with consideration of your growth plans. There are several stages of growth to consider. It takes time to choose, purchase and implement a POS system. Changing a system in the future can be very disruptive to your business in terms of store closures, staff training and integration with other

C-Store Cigarette Scan Data Software Increases Tobacco Sales

Key Reasons for Tobacco Scan Data Incentive Programs

May 12, 2022 — 

Key reasons for tobacco scan data incentive programs include margin management, customer traffic, and basket size. These factors help maintain your competitive position. Cigarette and OTP sales often range from 20 to 30% of a c-store inside sales. Customers that use tobacco rebate programs are frequent shoppers and know they can get what they need

Download Our Free White Paper

Beyond Tobacco Rebates: What else can I do with my Scan Data?

In our work with family chains, we’ve found that store data accessibility and distribution are common issues for operations managers and supervisors. The lack of easy access to operations focused data can lead to environments where losses are hidden longer, and growth opportunities go unrealized.

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