December 19, 2024
Becoming Noah’s boss is the goal of very manager. One that brings out the best, givespositive feedback, and customers love the service. It is the kind of manager that every c-store deserves and every cashier desires. When working to improve c-store operations, effective leadership has provent to be the most effective way to solve the ‘people problem’.
Same Person Different Outcomes
Simon Sinec, shares the story of a barrista in his hotel. Noah loves working at one hotel and simply tolerates working at the other. Sinec explains that the exact same person in the exact same job has two entirely different outcomes. He argues that too often, we blame the ‘people’ and say we need better ones. This situation, however, demonstrates how the exact same person has two entirely different outcomes based on just the leadership at the two companies. He summarizes that it is the leaders, then and not the staff.
Being The Best Boss Possible
The video and the story are compelling. Each time, I share this story with successful c-store managers, there is always a quiet time of reflection. Each of us, want to be that boss. Sinec argues it is the way the managers ask if they can help, rather than coming around frequently to find problems and make corrections.
The situation seems ideal and can create thoughts of failure for not creating that exact environment. This can happen all the time in the convenience industry. Anyone that has worked in a store, can show experience and have the chance to get a job at another…. So how does the same ‘noah’ provide great service when she or he the same one that failed at the last store.
Effective Leadership
Leaders driven to improving their skills use this example to reflect on their management and leadership impact with their teams. It can call into question one’s style and remind us of failures as well as successes. There are so many ways to be an effective boss, but certain principles and overall guidelines seem to be show up across the different styles. The purpose of becoming a better leader is not to mimic others that are good at it, but rather learn both techniques and overall guidelines to make our style the most impactful.
When working with c-store mangers to improve their management and leadership skills (i.e., helping them in becoming Noah’s boss), several principles are often covered.
- Self-sustaining is a sign of a great organization. Great organizations are not only successful, but they grow bigger and provide the resources to keep the culture, brand and success consistent as the organization grows.
- Alignment means staff know what success looks like and great managers ensure they feel it as they work.
- Follow- up is key. The final principle of accountability is the tracking wand follow-up. Good bosses provide the vision, purpose, teamwork, process and goals and then help their team achieve it. Follow-up is essential. Great managers provide the help with encouragement, praise and direct and helpful assessments to keep things moving in the right direction.
- Engagement, fun and fulfilment. asdasdfasdf
- Happy and peaceful place that provides a great balance of life.
- Challenge and help us grow we play the game together. It may not always be perfect, but we trust that we all want to reach the same targets and respect each other. The result: trusting teams.