Image of The BandyWorks leadership survey polled c-store operators who provided their top 6 c-store store staff talks. These c-store managers push themselves to find the best ways to build relationship

Top 6 C-Store Staff Talks

March 21, 2025 — 

The BandyWorks leadership survey polled c-store operators who provided their top 6 store staff talks. These c-store managers push themselves to find the best ways to build relationships. Top leaders know that their staff relationship is the key to great customer service, long-term loyalty, and perhaps most importantly, staff retention. That is why the leadership

image of barrista. While Simon Sinec's protrayal of being a great boss is emotionally rewarding, it begs the question as the ROI of becoming Noah's boss for c-store operations.

ROI of Becoming Noah’s Boss for C-Store Operations

February 5, 2025 — 

While Simon Sinek’s portrayal of being a great boss is emotionally rewarding, it begs the question as the ROI of becoming Noah’s boss for c-store operations. Naturally, everyone wants to be supportive, positive, and receive accolades for creating a great place to work. However, how much does it really benefit the owners and shareholders? Is

Image of Simon Sinec in his video Noah's Boss. How the leadership makes the difference to build staff engagement.

Becoming Noah’s Boss

December 19, 2024 — 

Becoming Noah’s boss is the goal of very manager. One that brings out the best, gives positive feedback, and customers love the service. It is the kind of manager that every c-store deserves and every cashier desires. When working to improve c-store operations, effective leadership has proven to be the most effective way to solve

Gift Giving and C-Store Category Managers

January 8, 2023 — 

The annual Christmas exchange means having just one relative to pick a gift. Trying to find just the right gift is always so hard. When I drew the name of my brother in law that loves different whiskeys, I knew I was in trouble. I sent a panic call to my good friend that runs

image of store manager overload. A common issue with c-store management given the stress of staff hiring challenges and the need to focus on development and growth

Does Your Operations System Help Your C-Store Manager Support the Customer Experience?

October 26, 2022 — 

With the big investments made into c-store technology, it is important to ask: Does your operations system help your c-store manager support the customer experience?  Too often, the store manager is given more responsibility without adequate system support for the daily operations. Store managers face challenging responsibilities and unprecedented staffing shortages. C-Store operations support systems

image of c-store manager doing yoga headstand as symbol to explain How c-store managers avoid overload is easy. Create high c-store retention: keep low c-store turnover by avoiding high staff stress le

How C-Store Managers Avoid Overload

August 29, 2022 — 

How c-store managers avoid overload is an important question for c-store chains. Many operators fear c-store manager burnout so much, they strictly limit changes that impact store managers. They even limit those changes that will make the store manager’s job easier. They often report there are just too many challenges with staffing, supply, regulations, and