August 7, 2024
Vanessa was charged with the duel job of keeping the store clean and team engaged. She put together a special ‘spring cleaning project she called: “A Spring in the Life of Store Operations”.
Vanessa, the store manager, was challenged by the retail operations leader to return the forecourt to its original polish and function.
Engagement Is Key
Vanessa engaged her team to remove stickers and shine-up the pumps. With many positive customer comments, the team became so motivated, they took it on their own to make sure all the inside equipment was in tip-top shape and shelves were always stocked.
“It started outside, then drove our inside service improvement.”
Vanessa, Garrison Food Mart
The team shared their excitement and the customers noticed the difference in the store. Vanessa credits the involvement of the team to make their work space nicer and improve customer satisfaction.