October 28, 2018
Henry Ford stated that obstacles are the things you see when you take your eye off the goal. As such, it may be useful to identify five obstacles to c-store growth. That way, if you experience them, it will be easier to re-focus on the goal of growing your c-store performance. Obviously, it’s hard to grow when you’re fighting fires. It is frustrating to put aside important work regarding new promotions, up-selling, staff training due to emergencies. Of course, no one can afford to ignore big problems that are making you lose money. Basic daily operations, if poorly managed, take priority over even the best intentions to increase sales. Here are some of the top five obstacles that high growth companies have had to overcome.
- High theft from employees and delivery staff
- District managers consumed with interviews or covering for missing managers.
- Dirty stores, unfriendly service, unhappy customers
- Silence and disregard to problems or the opposite – finger-pointing and blame
- Pumps with bags and broken coolers that take too long to fix
Customers are buying every day. Making the most of sales opportunities happens when your managers focus staff on customer service. Addressing problems quickly and establishing work practices to avoid them make it possible to optimize c-store performance. There is a proven system to optimize c-store performance. It starts by removing the obstacles to growth.
Download the Proven Way to Remove Obstacles to C-Store Growth
Download the whitepaper with a full list of c-store obstacles and learn how high growth companies overcome them. Find ways to improve with the white paper – “Optimize C-Store Performance – The proven way to increase sales, simplify work and make time to grow.”
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