March 14, 2017
It is well understood that consequences and rewards are key components to successful accountability. Most even agree that clear goals, assignments, deadlines and processes are required to make accountability work fully. There is a six step definition to help those that are serious about using an accountability process to streamline their organization and get better results – https://bandyworks.com/the-6-rights-of-accountability/. Nonetheless, it can be hard to step up to step up to increase c-store performance
All of the items listed are necessary items in any great process. They require hard work. As expected, it comes with blunt communication, serious ramifications and cold facts. In short, it can be stressful. The interesting thing that I find, however, when it is done well you it is easy. Once initiated, an amazing teamwork and effort unfolds. Results are not immediate. Worse, it will not happen if too many of the accountability steps are not skipped.
The magic is the confidence that arrives. The confidence comes from knowledge. Knowing that work well done increases performance. Obviously, when the process is clear and executed good things happen. Perfection is not required. However, honest assessments are a must. Next, creative and active work begins. When the leader believes in the end line it is easy to see the path. Encouragement is natural. Better, mistakes or shortfalls become learning events. Problems become celebrations of fun challenges. Of course, improvement plans are created. Success is a team celebration. Finally, the teamwork grows so strong. This is a great way to step up accountability and increase c-store performance