The Tyranny of OR in a Business Intelligence Environment.
C-Store Analytics & Scorecards | C-Store Operations Best Practices
May 19, 2015 — Simplicity is an excellent method of assessing goals, designs and decisions. Every businessman understands how much easier it is for staff when things are straight-forward and clear. Simple is a friend to action and results. Sometimes, however, simple can be confused with easy. Simple is almost never easy. Albert Einstein is credited for defining the …
Convenience Store Performance Dashboards – KPI’s with Drilldowns
C-Store Analytics & Scorecards | C-Store Technology
May 18, 2014 — Convenience store KPI’s with drilldowns save time. A good graph is worth hours of analysis and a focused drill-down saves hours more. Graphs and drilldowns are favorite tools of analysts. Quickly assessing key performance trends and then being able to see the data that makes the trend is a great tool for maintaining accountability towards …