January 25, 2018
Does it matter much?
C-Store bathroom cleanliness is talked about a lot. The opinions vary on how much difference it makes. Some argue it makes no difference at all (really?), some argue it can hurt you but not help you, and others believe it is the single most important issue for customer experience and loyalty.
It’s part of your culture
There seems to be little change on this issue in many C-Stores. It’s either a point of focus or a job that is managed to some acceptable level. There is very little direct correlation to specific value for a clean bathroom. But there are a lot of facts available. When allocating effort to this job, it may be worthwhile to make sure your effort matches your belief. Otherwise, the staff will probably figure out quickly how much you really care.
C-Store Bathroom Cleanliness Facts
- Sit or Squat tracks 100,000 public restroom cleanliness scores
- Two-thirds of Americans refuse to patronize business establishments with dirty restrooms – Clorox survey
- 85{935b322e3519fc731b8c8389742fbd46918a79373f6355bb2e07141df02b187b} of women state they refuse to sit directly on public bathroom seats
- Nearly three in four American drivers (72{935b322e3519fc731b8c8389742fbd46918a79373f6355bb2e07141df02b187b}) say that they stop to use the bathroom when driving on a vacation – C-Store Decisions, May, 2016
For related information, please read Clean Bathrooms – Do They Really Impact C-Store Performance?