BandyWorks Focus: Improve Store Operations

We value simple, direct, motivating, and impactful insights. Our mission is to improve store operations: increase sales, reduce loss and save time. Like many of our C-Store customers, BandyWorks is family owned. Our ROI is a direct relation to the time we save, sales we multiply and the shrink we prevent.

We manage your data analytics so you manage growth. Our collaborative process, relationship building, problem-solving fixation and drive to boil data to the bare essential truths creates time by making it simple to see operational status – the good and the bad. We worked inside c-stores to understand the challenges of operations – hiring, developing, cleaning, stocking, serving, and complying. The skills needed are many and the candidates few. It is easy to overwhelm store staff as well as the area managers and directors who are responsible to keep stores open, staffed and thriving.

  • Tom Bandy Founder/CEO
  • Maha Aiswarya Director - Technology Services
  • Mason Cowan Chief Customer Officer
  • Image of John Combs Bandyworks Chief Revenue Officer
    John Combs VP of Sales
  • Jake Bechtel Director - Chain Accounts
  • Nisha Radhakrishnan Director - Client Success
  • Vishwas Venkatesh Director - Partner Success
  • Kavya Dhandapani Director - Data Analytics Processing
  • Lakshmi Saseendran Director - Data Analytics Processing
  • Aneesh NK leads the technology for BandyWorks.
    Aneesh NK Development Architecture Director
  • Minu PV Data Analyst
  • Kathy Magnusson Controller
Image of workshop - BandyWorks c-store operations workshops develop manager skills. They help convenience store managers develop new skills. BandyWorks provides store manager development for increasing sales, reducing loss and saving time. Managers learn how to hire and onboard staff that build customer loyalty and provide a great customer experience. Tthe workshops reduce turnover, development leaders adn address key convenience areas of excellence such as tobacco scan data, promotions, shrink, age verification and scorecards. image of Tom Bandy with clients using promotional analysis during an employee retention work shop.

What Makes Us Different?

BandyWorks works with any back office and every significant POS in the c-store industry. Our retail data analytics is managed for our c-store clients. We use the data to provide operational understanding so your management drives growth.

Our software and services are designed for both large and small, independently owned c-store operations with limited staff and resources, but that are committed to growing their business.

Working inside high-growth c-stores for the past decade to gain industry knowledge, combined with world-wide recognized database expertise, BandyWorks delivers what you need for fast growing c-stores at a fraction of the cost of in-house staffing. Our service scales to your operations budget. Our staff understand convenience management. Our clients entrust us to deliver the insights to grow their business and develop staff skills to manage c-store growth.

We recognize that our programs have to generate enough revenue to not just pay for themselves, but to provide a meaningful return on the investment for the operator.

Trusted by C-Stores Across the Country

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